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[1]william carlos williams,paterson(new york:new directions,1963),前言第3页。

第二章 大陆帝国

[1]bernard devoto,the year of decision:1846(boston:houghton mifflin,1989),67.

[2]wallace stegner,the uneasy chair:a biography of bernard devoto(garden city,ny:doubleday, 1974), 222—223.


[4]devoto,the year of decision,前言第14页及正文第208—209页。

[5]catherine drinker bowen, edith r. mirrielees, arthur m. schlesinger,jr., and wallace stegner, four portraits and one subject:bernard devoto(boston:houghton mifflin,1963),4.


[7]devoto,year of decision,xii.bowen,mirrielees,schlesinger,and stegner,four portraits and one subject,57—60.


[9]stegner,the uneasy chair,224—227.

[10]devoto,year of decision,xi——xii.stegner,the uneasy chair,224—227.bowen,mirrielees, schlesinger,and stegner,four portraits and one subject,57—60.

[11]stephen e.ambrose,introduction to year of decision,2000.

[12]devoto,year of decision,invocation.







[19]wallace stegner,beyond the hundredth meridian:john wesley powell and the second opening of the west(boston:houghton mifflin,1954),256—257.

[20]devoto,year of decision,497.


[22]bernard devoto,across the wide missouri(boston:houghton mifin,1947),3,5,and 61.





[27]bernard devoto,the course of empire(boston:houghton mifflin,1952),前言第31页及正文第60页和228页。


[29]bernard devoto,mark twain's america,introduction by louis j.budd(lincoln,nebraska:university of nebraska press, 1997), ix——x.

[30]william carlos williams,paterson(new york:new directions,1963),28.

[31]dwight macdonald,“to the white house,”new york review of books,february 1,1963.

[32]devoto,mark twain's america,48,51,54,and 105—106.


第三章 南北地理环境札记

[1]daniel j.boorstin,the americans:the colonial experience(new york:random house, 1958), chapter 24.

[2]robert d.kaplan“, what makes history:the lessons of a new england landscape,”the atlantic,march 2000.

[3]edmund morris,the rise of theodore roosevelt(new york:random house,1979),337 and 473.

[4]franklin toker,pitsburgh:a new portrait(pitsburgh:university of pitsburgh press,2009).

[5]adam wren,“iran?is that the one we invaded?”politico,july 16,2015.

第四章 东西地理环境札记

[1]wallace stegner,the gathering of zion:the story of the mormon trail(new york:mcgraw- hill, 1964), 1—2,4,and 111 of university of nebraska press edition.


[3]w prescott webb,the great plains(lincoln:university of nebraska press,1981),17 and 21—25.





[8]wallace stegner,beyond the hundredth meridian:john wesley powell and the second opening of the west(boston:houghton mifflin,1954),3.






[14]simon schama,landscape and memory(new york:knopf,1995),394—395 and 397.

[15]robert frost,“the gift outright,”virginia quarterly review,spring 1942.

[16]david s.reynolds,walt whitman's america:a cultural biography(new york:knopf, 1995), 298.

[17]xilao li“, walt whitman and asian american writers,”walt whitman quarterly review, 10, no. 4 (1993).

第五章 中国

[1]john r.hale,lords of the sea:the epic story of the athenian navy and the birth of democracy(new york:viking penguin,2009),前言第23—25页和27页。

[2]stratfor, “the geopolitics of the united states, part 1: the inevitable empire,” august 24,2011.

[3]halford j.mackinder,democratic ideals and reality(new york:henry holt and company, 1919; 1942 national defense university edition),45—49.

[4]国会预算办公室估计,到2044年军舰数量可能会降至208艘。“preserving the navy's forward presence with a smaller fleet,” march 2015.

[5]john darwin,after tamerlane:the rise and fall of global empires,1400-2000(new york:bloomsbury press, 2008), 22—23,236,469,479,and 491.


[7]paul kennedy,grand strategies in war and peace(new haven,ct:yale university press, 1991), 167.

[8]darwin,after tamerlane,479.

[9]william pfaff,“why the arab world fights,”the american conservative,november/december 2014.

[10]robert d. kaplan “, america's imperial class,” stratfor, november 21,2012.

[11]john lewis gaddis,george f.kennan:an american life(new york:penguin press,2011),278.


[13]bernard devoto,the course of empire(boston:houghton mifflin,1952),266.

[14]andrew j.birtle,u.s.army counterinsurgency and contingency operations doctrine 1860-1941(washington,d.c.:center of military history,2004),7—12.

[15]brian mcallister linn,the echo of battle:the army's way of war(cambridge,ma:harvard university press, 2007), 71—73.

[16]william pfaff,the irony of manifest destiny:the tragedy of america's foreign policy (new york: walker & company, 2010), 71—72, 86 and 99—100.

[17]herman melville,moby-dick(1851;repr.,new york:knopf,1988),576.

[18]charles olson,call me ishmael(san francisco:city lights books,1947),12 and 14.

[19]gaddis,george f.kennan,323 and 435.